Our Values

We have consciously created an air-dry pottery kit filled with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Each item has been carefully created and selected, keeping you, as well as our precious planet in mind. We have sourced simple, natural materials, and provide the option of purchasing extra clay so that you can continue to reuse everything in your kits for years to come. We have reduced our packaging to as little as possible, and are always striving to reduce our footprint.


Our Clay

Our clay is locally sourced and as a material is as earthy as it gets. Originating from the ground, clay is made through a slow, natural process that has changed very little over thousands of years. By using New Zealand clay, we hope to foster a deeper connection with our land, as well as the people you create with. We offer the choice of two tones of clay; Sorrento Sand named after the beach that we can see from our window and Earth Brown reflects the deep rich forest floor, which we walk amongst daily. We cut, weigh, stamp and seal every clay bag ourselves, ensuring your clay is looked after.


Our Mailors

On our website, we provide our customers with the choice between a compostable or 100% recyclable mailer. Giving the consumer choice is important to us for educational purposes and to encourage responsibility to correctly dispose of waste. Unfortunately, if compostable products are placed in landfill, it can be as harmful as plastic. The recyclable mailer bag is made with recycled soft plastics, and must be taken to a soft plastics recycling station, often found at supermarkets. Click here to find out where your local soft plastic recycling station is.

Our shipping labels are all compostable as there is currently no recyclable option available. At our end, label backings are sent back to our New Zealand supplier to be recycled in a local recycling programme with some sent overseas and return as the tissue paper in your next shoe purchase.


Our Tools

The tools provided have been carefully selected based on their function and are intended to be re-used. We have deliberately provided the bare minimum, based on our experience and to allow people to recycle and repurpose household items. Our wooden tools are hand-crafted, and our sponge is made from vegetable fibres, which means it is 100% biodegradable and can be disposed of in the compost. We cut, sew and trim all of our canvas mats so that you have the best surface to work on and can do this from anywhere, keeping your workspace clean.


Our Commitment

We are new to running a small business, and committed to learning about and implementing sustainable business practices. We choose environmentally friendly alternatives and natural materials, source locally when possible, limit any unnecessary packaging and seek re-useable if required. We are always looking to learn and improve on this journey.